Nominations – 2XO of the year 2021

Written ByEhestri
Published On
12 February 2022

Please see the nominations for 2XO of the year 2021.

Briar Elin – USS Hiroshima

When I first had an opportunity to get Nikki, aka Briar Elin, back to the Hiro, I jumped at the chance and haven’t looked back even once. She’s not only a talented writer who works hard at developing her characters and stories, but she does everything she can to play a part in making sure other players and the sim itself can play out the stories they want. She’s great for bouncing ideas off of (she invariably improves them) and is always there to lend a hand to everyone, be it on the Hiro or as typified outside the sim in her behind-the-scenes work for the fleet, e.g. her sterling participating in To Boldly Roll.
It is with my fondest wishes that this character and the player behind her receive the recognition they both deserve that I nominated Briar Elin for Second Officer of the Year.

Carl Hedley – USS Potemkin

Tom is awesome. He joined the Potemkin in her second season; Although the sim had an OOC XO (it’s complicated) the sim was in dire need of an XO IC as well as in need of some assistance with 2XO OOC organization. Tom accepted the appointment with all of his usual British grace.
Tom has excellent game play sensibilities. He proves quite insightful in session as his geeky commitment and knowledge of the game system is detailed and useful— often pulling the away team’s bacon out of the fire! His own experience in Table Top gaming has really served to bolster the experience for everyone.
As Tom expands into taking on more OOC duties like logging the sessions, his contributions provide quality of game play and been a gift to the rest of the leadership team. He’s intelligent, humble, fun… and also delivers some unparalleled on the spot role-play speeches.

Baeryn Whavi – USS Elysium

Ever been thrown in the deep end without knowing how to swim? Baeryn Whavi does. When Captain Carrington took over, she threw out the old command crew and dragged Baeryn Whavi into the Second officer position. Something the Lieutenant was not expecting at all. But she has faced it with grace and determination to do a good job. This position for this player is IC only, though, they make a good case in their writing ability and interaction with all crew to make it also an OOC position.

There was one more nomination for Elegy Nascimento – NX05 Atlantis but he has left the ship but he was very much valued as 2nd Officer.