Well hello, from the communication team. Why have we not had a report from communications for a while? Truth be told I have been doing tons of news items that were all communications department related and it felt redundant to do more.
Important Updates From Comms Round up
So in the interest of keeping people updated, I thought it best to do a quick round-up of everything from the last month or so as they are all very important.
The future… awards part 1
The future… awards part 2
End Of Year Awards
If you did not know we also have the following social media that we manage. This month we have added Instagram. Every follow, click and like counts towards getting us out there to potential players. If anyone has anything they want to add to social media let us know.
Like on Facebook
Follow on Twitter
Follow on Instagram
Join us on Discord
Listen to our Podcast
We are looking for people to talk to on our podcast or suggest content. If you have a passion for a subject reach out and talk to us. We are looking for people to appear on different subjects so reach out.
First Episode – Minaware and Ehestri
Second Episode – Ehestri and Lalor
Third Episode – Ehestri and Hawkins
Fourth Episode – Anodyne Productions
We need everyone – players and COs alike – to submit news stories. These could be anything from an awesome mission on your sim to a great post you want to see everyone talking about. Commanding Officers please remember we have sim, post, character and mission spotlight to shout out to everyone about how awesome you guys are. It also doesn’t take long to get them approved either just need to summon any member of the fleet council on discord in IFS3 for help.
If you need assistance please contact me.
Final Thoughts …

It’s been a couple of months of changes but they are all positive around the fleet and after a successful khitomer conference it is hard to deny that things are moving forward again.