Task Force 72 – October Report

Written Bydulac
Published On
13 November 2017

Another interesting month for Task Force 72 is in the books, and I’m glad to see the progress we’ve made and I’m looking forward to even more on the horizon. We have a steady stream of communications with the CO’s and Players of the TF in the Discord server (OF and 72) and I’d love to see more of our players joining in and interacting, so CO’s put that out to your crews! Let’s see them in chat!

On to the recap of changes for the Task Force in the month of October.

  • Langley Station – NEW CO!
    • Commander Kate Banninga
  • USS Yorktown – NEW CO!
    • Commander Lamar David

We’ve also had an addition to Obsidian Fleet as a transfer from another Fleet. It’s not often we have active simulations transfer into the Fleet so I’d like you all to give a warm welcome to Captain Yoshi Minawara and the crew of the USS Vesta – the only active Vesta Class in Obsidian Fleet.

Join me in congratulating our new CO’s, Captain Minawara and Commanders David and Banninga in the Discord chat!

We’re always looking for qualified, steady heads at the CoNN so if you’re interested in the center chair we have plenty of simms to choose from in TF-72. From the TME-Universe to the main fleet. If you’re interested in running a simm, 72 is the place to be!

Task Force Ops

Captain Farragut of the Endeavor has been leading the charge for a Task Force wide metaplot, something that he’s been working on with the TGCO’s of 72. There will be more to share on that front as we flesh out the ideas and bring them out for everyone to feed off of, but if you’ve got ideas you want to share feel free to reach out to any one of us to talk that out.

Operationally, we’re holding steady. We’ve had no CO’s losses this month (always a plus!) and we’re steadily building up player bases on the games in action. Other than dealing with a few player issues and other personnel matters, October was pretty quiet as administration/ops goes.

The posting of Task Force XO is still not filled, but I anticipate making a decision on that by the next reporting period. If any of you are interested in positions within the Task Force leadership structure, I encourage you to reach out to your TGCO and let them know!

If there’s anything we’re not doing for you, the CO’s and players, or anything you’d like to see done better please let us know. Our door’s are open, be that myself, Captain Alenis, Harrington, or Farragut . TF72 is here for you!


So awards are done a little differently now, per a change in the Fleet Rules. Each Task Force will now be presenting their own silver  and gold medal winners, the bronze award has been dc’d. Please keep in mind that we want the Unit of Merit awards to be a well-earned merit for the simm/players who receive it. That said, there may be periods in which no award is given. I would much rather reward a simm that is truly performing magnificently than to let this award become a simple ‘participation’ trophy. That said, here are this month’s winners.

  • Gold: 
    • SS Mary Rose. It’s not often that someone comes along and brings an exciting story, depth of characters and zeal for the writing process. Even more rare is a Gm doing it with a non-starfleet simm. The SS Mary Rose is one such simm and Captain Gregnol is doing a marvelous job. I’m really exited to see what else is in store for this unique simm. Well done, skipper.  – MGEN MacTaryn, TFCO.
  • Silver: 
    •  Starbase 249: “Starbase 249 has consistently been a stable simm which continues to advance their story. The CO has done a good job of creating an interesting world and facilitating some good writing. They continue to be an active simm, and continue producing some solid content.”~Captain Alenis Meru, TGCo TF72-A

Looking forward to a great November, and for what the new IFS-2 and other changes have in store for us. Questions, concerns, comments, well wishes and donations are welcome anytime, my door’s open for you.