You might be asking Ehestri you missed a month and you are right i did but with a very good reason with end-of-year awards and podcast appearances I thought that you might have had too much of me. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. But here i am as around as always doing all the things that i normally do.
Christmas Quiz
Thanks to feedback from the Halloween Quiz our Christmas one is going to be done on Discord via video and voice. So please join us on Saturday 16th at 20:00 GMT on our discord server.
As you are all aware by now we have a bot that loves to give out XP to members of our discord server. The more you chat in the general channels the more XP you get. You can earn points in many ways with engagement – like socials, running events or if you summon me on Discord and tell me your favourite holiday tradition in the correct channel you will get 300 points.
1 -Ehestri
2 – du Lac
3 – Emu – XMen: Avalon
4- Cam – Lore Director
5 – Endy, AKA Kejal
6 – Gary Taylor
7- Alex the Earthquake Master
8 – kris
9 – The Man Paul – USS Athena – 72XO
10 – Sepandiyar
If you did not know, we also manage the following social media accounts. Every follow, click and like counts towards getting us out there to potential players.
Like on Facebook
Follow on Twitter
Follow on Instagram
Join us on Discord
Listen to our Podcast
Like on Threads.
If you subscribe or like any of our social media accounts you will get polaris 500 points per social. I have awarded over 20,000 points over the last month or so. As a reminder you need to tell me if I have not noticed your like or comment.
As you will be aware we are doing a podcast most weeks. If anyone would like to be invovled let me know we would love to hear what you have to say. We have a couple of doctor who episodes as well as another interview with Minawara in his role as Group Director. If you have any questions for him in that role let me know too.
Everyone in our community can submit news stories, these can be anything from an extraordinary mission on your sim to telling us your favourite Star Trek muses. Game Masters, please remember we have post, character and mission spotlights to shout out to everyone about how awesome you guys are as well as the weekly sim spotlight.
We are now using the opinion and editorial category more and more and for any post that is not a spotlight or a Fleet Council report you now get XP.
It also does not take long to get them approved either you just need to summon any member of JFC on Discord in IFS3 for help.

As we are getting towards the end of the year I would like everyone to look to the future and all the amazing things we are going to writie and do in 2024.
A hint to some of the things that Comms is going to be invovled in.
Khitomer 2024
Monthly Writing Competition is returning
Youtube getting bigger and better
IFS3 updates around comms things